The peppered moth population changed over time because of the bad air quality in England. Which changed the color of the moths in the forests nearby. A scientist tested to see what was the cause and how the black colored moths survive in a clean forest and the actual peppered moths live in a dirty. the scientist found out that it was the factories that were the ones causing the pollution in the forests nearby. Scientist started to do experiments like the tests to see if black peppered moths would survive in a clean forest and a clean moth survive in a dirty forest. The results weren't to surprising because when they captured the moths that they marked there was fewer population of light moths in the dark forest than there were dark moths. The same with dark moths in a clean forest. 
This showed that the dark moths were able to survive in the dark forest for they were dark to hide on the polluted trees to hide form predators. The same with the light moths they were able to survive in clean trees. This shows the theory of the scientist was right. The way to survive from predators you will have to adapt to the environment. This is called adaption also known as evolution when species change over time.
Punnett Squares are a way to find the trait for an  offspring. They are used in squares of four to give a percentage to give a probability answer. For example, black is the dominant trait and blond is the recessive trait.  If there are a heterozygous mother and a homozygous recessive father to find out whether the offspring is going to be blond haired or black haired is by putting the heterozygous on the top of the Punnett square and finish the Punnett square by having the top letter which is one of the allies of the parents and putting it together with the other Allie letter to make a new trait. When you are finished you can determine if the offspring is going to be blond or if the offspring is going to be blond or dark haired. In this example the offspring is going to have a 50% of being blond and a 50% percent of being black haired.
Punnett are very useful when you are trying to find a future trait of an offspring. I know this can be very useful when you are trying to find out the trait of an offspring. I know this might be helpful for you some day, but one thing that I don't understand is how you know wen you are heterozygous or not. Can you explain?
In my science class we did this project that had to deal with genes with these paper pet families. Mainly for us to make these paper pet families we had to flip coin to figure out if the parents were going to be blue or yellow to make a punett square to find the percentage of their children being blue, yellow, round nose. triangular and so on. We had to also find flip to coins for the offsprings of the parents to find out if they were to be a girl or a boy offspring. 
It was very simple to make the family. It was also very fun to make the little family of paper. I wasn't very surprised that the family was all blue on my paper pet family because the parents were both blue. This is of course possible. But there might of been a chance of getting a yellow if both of the heterozygous dominant. This one possible way of having a yellow offspring.