It was a very beautiful day when the city was visited by the Vikings. I was just minding my own business when I smelled smoke in the air towards the city. I was afraid and didn't know what to do. But the first thing that came into mind is my family wondering if they were ok. I rushed home finding that my family was unharmed...yet. I rushed them out of the house and into the shack that is under the house. As we rush down one of my sisters trips and I hurry to pick her up. 
We waited for hours for the terrible Vikings to go away and take whatever they want. As we waited till the whole city was silent as the night I went outside to check if they were still killing and doing there terrible things. All I saw was smoke and houses on fire. I told my family just to stay there until it was safe to come out. They did as I told them to. We waited in the shack for two whole hours just to make sure that the Vikings completely went away.
  The next day we continued to travel to a far place where the Vikings haven't attacked. As we entered the big city of Rome we are greeted by very friendly people. We settle down in our new home and live very happy indeed. 
One of the things I thought that was very interesting the invention of gunpowder. I think that is one of the most important inventions of China. I think they are so important because there was many wars that needed weapons and that actually helped with the whole problem. Also another thing that gunpowder is very important is that gunpowder is also used for fireworks also so without gunpowder there wouldn't be any fireworks on days like fourth of July. I love fourth of July because of it fireworks and am thankful for the fireworks being here in America.
Another thing is the invention of paper because there wouldn't be any books to read. And that would be the problem I love to read and that wouldn't be good if I don't get to read that is mainly what I love to do  If there wasn't any books there wouldn't be any way learning new things. These are some of the things that actually makes a difference in the world.