Quizlet is a useful site to study for any subject in school. I do use it sometimes to study ,but whenever I am going to study I forget but if it was the first thing that I remember I would definitely use Quizlet to study for tests. Quizlet has definitely stamped an A+ on my tests. Quizlet is something I would recommend people to use because you could put pictures into your flash cards. If you were studying for math and you want to study for Quizlet I would recommend you to put problems to solve and then the answer on the other side an could play the games to help more in a fun way.
Quizlet now has this new flashcards -feature that would be very helpful if you really don't like using games for studying and like doing it the old way then you could use the new feature and try it out. I like doing the feature button and would think that you might enjoy it as well. In the feature place you are able to have it move the flashcards by themselves, have the flashcards read to you, or even have the definition or image covered or not covered. As you can read Quizlet can be a big help if you like being on th computer and wondered 

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